Izka Port Bayraklı project, which is implemented by Izka Construction, consists of a single block of 34 floors. Located at the seafront, the project has different apartment types from 1 + 1 to 4 + 2. In the project, 1 + 1 flats net 57 square meters, 2 + 1 flats net 114 square meters, 3 + 1 flats net 160 square meters, 4 + 2 Winter Garden flats net 190 square meters.
İZKA PORT preferred TMS with TMS Technology system solutions in Bayraklı Project. This project, which brings together 126 private apartments; Network infrastructure and home automation project planning, installation and commissioning will be shaped by expert system designers of TMS. We would like to thank İZKA PORT and Interra for relying on our 16 years of industry experience.